Literary Portfolio
What Are Marine Heatwaves? Are They Getting Stronger?
What can we do to lessen the impact of marine heatwaves? Read this Treehugger article…
Rodenticides are killing animals way up the food chain
Poisons used by Massachusetts municipalities are killing more than just the rats they’re targeting. Read…
Why “greening” cities can make gentrification worse — and often doesn’t help the environment either
Urban renewal under the guise of “going green” isn’t working — for the environment, or…
Want More Americans to Work? Give Them Medicaid
A feature article for Talk Poverty.
How Health Care Costs Keep Me From Getting Married
A feature article for GOOD online. Our current system would lead to financial ruin for…
I Depend on Medicaid to Survive, but Congress Wants to Take It Away
A feature article for SELF online.
New Research Sheds Light on How Childhood Adversities Impact Adult Health
A feature article for The Colorado Trust.
Chronic pain: The “invisible” disability
A feature article for the Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health Blog.
Feature article for Dig Boston.
Medicaid Affects Way More People Than You Realize
I know because I’m on it.
America’s white working class is nothing like the stereotypes we’ve been told. Trust me, I’m part of it
A feature article for Quartz.
The Burden of Invisible Illness
A feature article for Medium that went viral.
I’m an environmentalist opposed to single-use straws. My disability has challenged my views.
I rejected single-use plastic straws at restaurants long before it became the trendy thing to…
What My 80's Childhood Taught Me About Rape Culture
Originally written for Medium, BUST republished my article.
Poisons meant for pests are killing animals and impacting humans in Mass.
MassHealth Changes Disrupt Care for Some People with Chronic Conditions
A feature article for the Healthline.
The Take with Sue O'Connell
An interview on NECN’s The Take about my Politico piece correlating gun violence and toxic…
Don’t Blame Mental Illness for Mass Shootings; Blame Men
A feature article for Politico.